Playmor La Jolla Homeowners Association

Board of Directors

General Session Minutes

January 16, 2018

The president called the meeting to order at 6:10 pm.

Board members present:

Travis Emmel, President

Tom Ultican, Vice President

Liping Zhang, Treasurer

Bryan Rho, Secretary

John Zheng, Member at Large thers present:

Jenero Jordan, community manager

Five homeowners

Homeowners Forum

The board heard input from homeowners on various matters, including selection of management company; signage; landscaping; project management concerning the renovation; management of HDA finances. Homeowners forum closed at 6:52 pm.

Homeowner Correspondence

The board reviewed correspondence from a homeowner who noted that the address numbers containing 15 looked like 75. Matter tabled until after the next walkthrough, during which time the board or management will inspect the numerals and report back to the board.

The board reviewed correspondence concerning signage relevant to unleashed dogs and rattle snakes near the playground area by the canyon. Matter tabled until board develops a plan to address signage on property as a whole (pool hours, parking, etc).


Board discussed concern regarding excess vegetation near the playground area. Travis is to contact Kevin to discuss removal.


Travis moved to approve financials; Tom seconded; motion passed unanimously.

New Management Company

Bryan moved to accept RPMS� proposal; Tom seconded; Travis voted yes; Liping and John voted no.

Bryan left the meeting at 7:05 pm.

Meeting adjourned at .

These minutes were approved by the Playmor La Jolla Homeowners Association Board of Directors

Bryan Rho Secretary

Playmor La Jolla Homeowners Association